Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Just a smattering of goings-on:
     The invisibility cloak was a big hit!  Lots of Harry Potter and Doogie the Dugong games have been played since it was owl-delivered.

I found a wonderful sled for Olivia on a tree lawn, on it's way to being landfill fodder when there was nothing wrong with it and it was simply darling.  I hate that idea. She can sled in her very own bluebird next winter!

I had fun decorating a gift for a special sis-in-love with some recycled items (not the spoons, they were new, gosh)
I decided to embroider the tag I found

Let me tell you something... A LOT OF FUN can be had with some dollar store googly eyes if you are a big enough donkey!


  1. BAHAHAHA - those googly eyes kill me! Sooo creepy...but endearing at the same time. I have a feeling I'm going to stare at these pictures when I have a bad day. Also a little creepy.

  2. Where oh where did you find the fabric for the invisibility cloak????? Is it organza?


  3. The invisibility cloak is an old curtain that I had! This is how it was "delivered"
