:: cooking chili from fresh tomatoes tonight, no leftovers which means it was gooooooooood. The cornbread was excellent and I couldn't figure out why it tasted so different. I have been making it with whole wheat flour for a while now, so that couldn't be it. Same old cast iron skillet. Hmmmmm. Oh yeah, never added the corn meal! It was corn-less corn bread! A giant pancake basically, lol. Well, people were ready to fight for the last piece, so, again, it must have been good!
:: hearing Christmas carols galore! I can't get enough of them. I am catching the kids singing them too. Vlad was singing an original carol to his friend and I overheard bits and pieces that involved shooting down terrorists and playing some air hockey. Could be a little more Christmas-y, but then again, everyone's a critic.
:: needing lists and notes to remember basic things because my mind is going on multiple channels. Ah, to be young and well-rested
:: thinking about Christmas cookies. I must start tomorrow or I will never get any made.
:: doing my gift shopping online and with handmade. Lots more to make but most of my buying is done. Oh, but the wrapping!
:: making gift bags out of some old transformer t-shirts and they are rad! Even the drawstring is made from the old shirt.
:: keeping up with home schooling even though there is a huge lack of focus around these parts. We are needing a Christmas break big time. Soon, soon, soon...
:: loving the changes we made to the bathroom! And especially the guy that made it happen!
:: wanting to get the house decorated but needing to get it straightened up first.
:: plotting when to schedule my next work day. And dreading the way it will make my feet feel (like they might explode).
:: feeling happy that Matt helped me make our Christmas cards. I love working on projects with him!
:: preparing to write in the cards and address them. Seriously preparing, like finger pushups and wrist stretches.
:: looking forward to seeing my brothers soon! and Margret, which is a treat! And Zaki, (the doggy nephew) for the first time!
:: Loving the sound of Wolf playing the piano. It is so exciting to watch
him learn.
:: enjoying my newly painted table. It is a cheery yellow and makes me feel happy. And reminds me of a super sweet guy that spent most of his vacation painting stuff for me.
::Feeling so happy with the yarn bowl Matt made me from a wooden thrift store bowl.So cool!
:: putting a little love in every stitch while making presents. I love to think about the person I am knitting, sewing or crocheting for and have happy, loving thoughts about them while I work away. It leaves me feeling happy and that is such a good thing.
The corn-less cornbread was awfully good, but pretty damn funny when we were talking and you realized you never added the corn meal. It was so light and fluffy, and seriously good!