Monday, October 31, 2011

Last day of October

Right now, I am...
:: marveling that a whole year has gone by since my sweet little Grandbaby, Olivia was born.
I'm one!!!!!!!
Dad + Shan = Shananigans!
:: tired from a wild party-filled weekend. It was great fun to celebrate My Father-in-love's 70th birthday, Olivia's birthday, and Halloween. I'm glad that we will celebrate my sister Meghan's birthday after her trip, so we can savor it.
:: laughing at our ridiculous costumes that we cavorted around the neighborhood in!
Mother Gothel from Tangled, Chewlivia and Nate, the Got Milk? cowboy
My Mom is the one good witch
Super relaxed Ninja
:: overwhelmed by the amount of food that was prepared and consumed over the past few days.
:: pleasantly surprised that we had a million kids trick-or-treat at our house this year. It had been dwindling down to nothing over the years and we almost ran out of our candy (more than 8 bags?????)
:: wondering  how fast Thanksgiving will get here!?
:: grateful for visits from my Mom and Bret. It is so nice to spend time with them and their visits are treasured and appreciated.
Bret and Dad having a special moment
My Mom and Jamie, looking gorgeous!

:: hearing  super mario music stuck in my head.
:: going to try to stick to my tried and true way of eating after a lot of over-indulgence.
:: planning to seriously finish knitting the socks I started in April. Seriously.
:: digging my worms. I am in love with my slimy vermicomposting babies.
:: knitting myself a bandana cowl as soon as I finish those damn socks!
maybe something like this????
:: listening to kiddos snoring after an exciting day.
:: saying "good job!" to my Mom-in-love for putting together the birthday that my f-i-l wanted to have. Not easy to prepare for such an event, but it was a great day!
:: inspired to continue my yogurt making after my first successful half gallon. all for the price of the milk. Sweet.
:: happy birthday Olivia and Megs!  Two of the best gals in the world sharing one Halloweenie birthday!
:: delighted by the depth of my Husband's love, patience and generosity.
Here he demonstrates his love of  my homemade trifecta: cheatballs, sauce and bun.
:: waiting to hear all the details of my Sister's trip to visit my brother, Ian.
:: being thankful for a chance to hang out for a little while with my uber-talented Sister-in-love Wendy and some very special cousins (one which is a canine) and a tres magnifique Aunt.
Check out that cake!
:: wishing my Mom could stay longer! But, alas, snow is coming, so I know she won't stay!  Damn beach bums!


  1. I wish so much that I could have been there to celebrate as well. Bret gave me a full recap last night and this morning. Miss you!

  2. OMG Olivia had such a round head!!!!! She's so freaking cute!!!
